Vessel Studios

Innovating Medical Animation

Visual Identity
Brand System
Web Design
Web Development
Marketing Assets
Graphic Design

The Brief

When we began our partnership with Vessel a decade ago, most medical animations were pretty boring to watch. The vision for Vessel was to bring a higher level of artistry and storytelling to the intricate worlds of medical animation. Over time, they have executed this vision, creating cinematic pieces that are not only informative, but also breathtaking and inspiring.

The Solution

The Vessel brand has a timeless quality that feels just as fresh and unique today as when we originally created it. The goal from the start was to create a simple and elegant visual identity. The logo is able to represent complexity and life through its branching strokes, but the shape of the V remains clean and simple.

The concept for the web design has always been to enable Vessel’s work to take over and make the website feel like a living breathing world. We have recently launched v.4 of their website, which is a good reflection of this vision, we've grown the world over time to show the different aspects of their expertise and to show off different environments they create.. The unobtrusive layout seamlessly incorporates the studio’s animations to create a cinematic web experience. Every element of the design ties into their storytelling.

We are excited to continue partnering with the Vessel team and keep growing their brand together.

The Results

Since we’ve launched the Vessel website, our main source of marketing comes from Google search results. By the end of its first year, our website had ranked on the first page of search results, blowing us past companies that have been in the business for over 30 years. More importantly, the first bid request we’ve received turned out to be one of the biggest cancer drugs of all time.
Working with Condensed is like having an in-house graphic design team. It’s nice working with them because they carry the weight of the projects and exceed my expectations; they tell me their ideas and show me things they’ve made for me — they truly go above and beyond. In simple words, Condensed is an authentic company. They have people who love what they do; they simply happen to make a living out of it.

Thomas Brown – Founder Vessel Studios